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A short story about me

As an experienced Managing Enterprise Architect and trusted advisor to my customers, I have been designing cloud transformation of SAP and non-SAP applications for more than 10 years.

Jointly with my virtual team of experts, I advise medium-sized and large companies from many different areas on their successful path to the cloud. Together with Microsoft we design innovative cloud solutions and help our clients to benefit from the ever-changing services.

Team Development 95%

Communication 85%

Problem solving 100%

Active connector 95%

Negotiation 75%

Authoring & Writing

I like to share and that’s why I write. Whether it’s in my book, on my blog or on social media. I share with you my experience and knowledge about transformation, cloud, and digitalization

Keynote & Recordings

I do not only possess the expertise to enlighten your audience but also the charisma to captivate and inspire. Whether as a keynote speaker, in a recorded video or in a podcast.

Transform & Innovate

For many years I have been designing individual cloud solutions as an architect. In more than 10 years I have managed countless IT projects where my very analytical and goal-oriented way of working has always helped me.

Blog News

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Vestibulum nec augue id massa posuere efficitur et et quam. In vel quam vitae dui faucibus pretium eget a libero. Nunc pretium ex nulla, vel vulputate lacus pellentesque quis. Pellentesque id urna massa. Aliquam at tristique libero. Nam et elementum neque.

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Contact Me

I’m excited to connect with you! Whether you’re interested in discussing a potential project, exploring collaboration opportunities, or just want to have a friendly chat, I’m here for it.

Feel free to reach out through any of the following channels. I’m always open to new ideas and conversations.

Holstenstraße 38
24223 Schwentinental
+49 4307 2090191